Almost every discussion and article about driving talks
about the need to drive at a speed which enables you to deal with any hazard
which may arise. This shouldn’t be confused with driving slowly. While taking
into account the potential hazards, it is important to drive as fast as is
safe. This is often referred to as ‘appropriate speed’
Think about the times you’ve been in a car being driven by
someone else and they think the person in front has been driving too slowly;
what has been their reaction? If I was a betting man, I would say that they
have felt frustrated and keen to either get past or for the other driver to get
out of the way. While this is an understandable and very common reaction, it
can also have unsafe consequences. A frustrated driver will make bad decisions!
They look to overtake when it might not be safe or try to make up for lost time
when the other car is out of the way by driving faster. While all drivers are
responsible for the decisions they make, we all have a responsibility to drive
in a sensible fashion with consideration of all road users. If you are on an
open road with few if any potential hazards, don’t be afraid to drive at the
limit always keeping in mind what is an appropriate speed for the conditions
around you and making any necessary adjustments to your speed.
Common Faults
It takes time to develop the confidence to drive quickly. Never
drive at a speed which is too far out of your comfort zone as you won’t feel in
control, but as time passes, try to drive at an increased speed. The only way
to get used to it is to do it. It’s worth remembering that when you started
driving, 20 mph probably felt more like 60.